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时间:2020-04-28来源:军赋文化 作者:军赋书画院 点击:
2020年4月23日,纽约, 一份对中国及全球华人很重要的中英文报告, 以电子蓝皮书的形式向全球公开发布, 这份报告撕开了某些人的伪装, 成为病毒事件的呈堂证供, 成为中国反甩锅反嫁祸的有力武器。 世界华人看完后,纷纷点赞: 这份报告比起《方方日记》的


Report on World People’s Fight Against Virus in 2020
1.Introduction to the reportReport on World People’s Fight Against Virus in 2020 was written by the Scientific Group of the World Peace Ribbon Organization and the first part (January 23 to April 23) is scheduled to be released to the public in New York on April 23, 2020. The first part will tell the basic situation of the fight, summarize the failure lessons and successful experiences, guide the world people to correctly understand the fighting and destructive power of the virus as well as analyze strategic and tactical characteristics of the virus attacking human beings. It is recommended that all countries in the world unite and work together to fight against the virus. And some references and suggestions are provided for human beings to strive for world peace and win this all-out war of “fighting against viruses and defending lives”.
2.Joint investigationAt the beginning of 2020, Mr. Chen Entian, co-chairman of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, returned to China for the Spring Festival and the “novel coronavirus” that caused China to panic suddenly outbroke. At this time, the USCDC’s report on “a large number of American deaths caused by influenza virus”aroused Chen’s vigilance. Does the US flu not infect foreigners? Won’t it spread all over the world? Do Chinese experts mistake the “virus” that came from the US for a new medical discovery? Chen suggested that a scientific group should be set up in World Peace Ribbon Organization. He contacted his old subordinates, members of the International Seven Three Society and members of the Beijing Shengpeiqing Medical Research Institute, to conduct a joint investigation on the “influenza” outbreak in the United States and the“pneumonia” outbreak in Wuhan. They have confirmed that the symptoms, as well as the destructive power of the two diseases, are the same and the virus belongs to the same species or the same kind. Is the International partner of the virus really hiding in the US? In order to be cautious and seek confirmation from multiple parties, Chen suggested that Russia, Japan, and other medical intelligence agencies investigate the outbreak of influenza in the United States. It has been confirmed that the virus belongs to the same species or the same kind by multiple parties. Subsequently, Japan’s Asahi TV reported publicly to the world, reminding that the “influenza” in the US contains a large number of “novel coronavirus”
.三、冠状病毒与球状病毒一样,冠状病毒是“地球土瘟疫”流感病毒王国的老牌病毒,可怕的是,冠状病毒比起球状病毒更加狡猾。他们利用人类麻痹大意和勾心斗角的心态,提出“占领美国、攻陷世界”的口号。他们采取瞒天过海、温水煮蛙的战术,悄无声息地干掉了许多美国人,又运用声东击西、佯攻东方的战术,大张旗鼓地蒙蔽了西方国家,让全球都在防范中国时,病毒却从背后发动袭击。我们不得不承认,冠状病毒是谙熟人类心思,精通战略战术的病毒。美国疾控中心发布的流感数据、日本朝日电视台的公开报道、美国公开冠状病毒的检测数据、美国科学院公布剑桥大学的研究成果,全面佐证冠状病毒军团“占领美国、攻陷世界”的计划。3.CoronavirusCoronavirus, like the spherical viruses, is an old-fashioned virus in the “earth plague”influenza virus kingdom. What’s terrible is that the coronavirus is more cunning than the spherical viruses. They used human’s insensitive and infighting mentality and put forward the slogan of “occupying the United States and conquering the world”. They practiced deception and quietly killed many Americans. With the  tactic of ‘make a feint in the east while actually attacking in the west’, coronavirus bluntly deceived the western countries and attacked them from behind when the world was guarding against China. We have to admit that coronavirus is a virus that is familiar with human minds and is proficient in strategies and tactics. The influenza data released by the USCDC, the public reports from Japan’s Asahi TV, coronavirus detection data published by the US and the research results of Cambridge University released by the American Academy of Sciences fully support the Coronavirus Corps’ plan to “occupy the United States and conquer the world”
4.War overviewThe coronavirus has known that the United States is a global strategic place and since 2019, it has quietly launched an attack on the United States despite the promise of peaceful coexistence with humanity under the slogan “occupying the United States and conquering the world”. After establishing its headquarters in the United States, the virus sent the mutated elites to infiltrate all over the world. When one of the viruses elites attacked Wuhan, it was tenaciously countered by the Chinese army and people. China soon sent an alarm to the World Health Organization and the world. Meanwhile, and the world was shocked by the whistle of war in Wuhan. Since then, many countries around the world discovered the virus in succession and declared war publicly. Three months since its outbreak, the coronavirus has caused about 2.6 million people worldwide to get sick and about 180,000 death, causing great losses to human life and the world economy. In the worldwide anti-virus war, the whistling war in Wuhan started the first shot, uncovered the conspiracy of the virus to “occupy the United States and conquer the world”, disrupted the virus’s tactics of “boiling the frogs in warm water and severely hurting Americans”, thus to save the United States and the whole world, laying the foundation for victory in the war against viruses. It can be said that without this whistling war, the American people and the people of the world will face unimaginable consequences
5.America’s painIn the world people’s war against the virus, the United States is the most tragic, with the largest number of deaths. The reasons are as follows: First, the United States, as a global strategic place, must be contested by military strategists. Occupying the United States is to occupy the world. The second reason is that some people in the United States are paralyzed, intrigued, and mistakenly regard the virus as an ally. Relevant intelligence shows that in July 2019, the Coronavirus Corps began to set up headquarters in the United States and began the attack code named “2019 occupation of the United States”. For Americans who have long struggled with the flu virus, they did not intentionally distinguish spherical viruses and coronaviruses. Although the virus has already erupted in the United States, which has also resulted in many deaths, it still has not attracted official attention to take immediate action. When the whistling of war in Wuhan began, some Americans obtained information that the “novel coronavirus” is the coronavirus flu that has been spreading in the United States. Some people in the United States still do not pay attention to and even prohibit the detection of influenza virus. They ridicule Chinese people for fear of death and foolishly think that the coronavirus is more destructive to the yellow people and strong Americans can heal themselves. Based on the serious panic caused by the coronavirus to the Chinese government and people, some Americans saw the opportunity and actively cooperated with anti-China forces to fight against China with the coronavirus being an ally. They hyped up, created terror, encouraged the world to cut off contact with China, cracked down on the Chinese economy and the Belt and Road Initiative. However, the Coronavirus Corps did not appreciate it and attacked the American people and other people in a frantic manner.
6.WhistleblowerOn January 23,2020, China announced the closure of Wuhan, whistling urgently to the world and declared war on the Coronavirus Corps, marking the outbreak of the world people’s war against the virus in 2020. The war in Wuhan was commanded by the Chinese chief. The 1.4 billion Chinese people were shrouded in virus terror and more than 10 million people in Wuhan faced direct virus attacks. There are 346medical teams nationwide, over 4,000 military doctors and over 40,000 medical personnel participated in the war. The Coronavirus Corps has its own characteristics, so China has actively launched the anti-virus program of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine. With a history of thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound. Facts have proved that traditional Chinese medicine indeed has a brilliant point in the war against the “Earth Plague” coronavirus influenza. Under the personal command of the Chinese officers and the efforts of the military and the people, the war in Wuhan has won a world-renowned victory, which has accumulated valuable experience and laid the foundation for victory for the people of the world to fight the virus. Information from all parties has proved that China is not the virus origin nor the country of virus manufacturing and spreading although it is the first country to report and fight against the virus. China is the first country to report the virus epidemic to the World Health Organization and send a warning to the world. It is also the whistleblowing country for the world people to fight against the virus.
7.Virus sourceIn today’s world, the influenza virus has spherical virus and coronavirus, which has strong variation, great harm and is everywhere all the time. It can be said that it is the virus overlord of the earth and human beings have not yet been able to eliminate the influenza virus. The World Health Organization (WHO)estimates that globally, 650,000 people die from influenza every year, equivalent to one person dying from influenza every 48 seconds. At present, there is neither specific medicine nor precise vaccine. From the perspective of world medicine, COVID-19 belongs to the coronavirus, a veteran legion of the influenza virus, which has existed on the earth for a long time. Some experts are eager to set new ground, make a splash and launch “new discovery, new achievement” without joint investigation nor scientific demonstration on the global influenza virus. This kind of behavior not only misleads people with concealed intentions to regard their country as a virus-producing country or a country of origin but also may be utilized by International bad forces to maliciously hype and create panic, which makes human lose the correct response to the virus, defeat before a war or overreact. Such behavior is more toxic than the virus itself. In order to maintain their “new discovery, new achievement”, some experts will certainly not admit that the novel coronavirus is a coronavirus (influenza) that has long been spreading in other countries. They will undoubtedly become the accomplice of the troublemakers. The World Peace Ribbon Organization believes that the source of the virus is on the earth, not in a specific country or a region.
8.Our initiativeIn view of the anti-virus situation, we propose to mark January 23 as “world people anti-virus day” and set up “world people anti-virus monument” in Wuhan. We propose to pay tribute to the American people who were first attacked by the virus, We propose to pay tribute to the Chinese people who first reported the virus and fought against it, We propose to pay tribute to all countries and people who declared war against the virus, and we propose to mourn all the people who died from the virus infection. We know that the American people are the biggest victims of the virus this time. They are very brave and strong. The American people have been fighting silently for half a year and many lives have lost. Although some people in the United States are paralyzed, unable to fight viruses, and even blame other countries, their starting point is based on protecting their own interests, avoiding their panic and maintaining their stability. Therefore, we propose to understand and tolerate the wrong behaviors of some Americans and sympathize with the difficult situation of the American people. We hope that humanity will give up the internal fighting behavior of shirking the responsibility and blame others, fight against the virus together to achieve an early victory. The virus is a public enemy of human beings. We propose that people all over the world love and help each other to overcome the difficulties together. We should never misjudge the source of the virus or the country of the source to mislead racial hatred or even maliciously shirking the responsibility to blame others. We propose to oppose any rogue behavior that any government, organization or individual transfers domestic contradictions due to their own country's failure to fight against the virus and demands compensation from other countries for the so-called economic losses or loss of life
.九、发布机构《2020年世界人民抗击病毒大战报告》由世界和平丝带组织撰写并发布。世界和平丝带组织以“一带一路”国际日吉祥信物“世界和平丝带”命名,以争取和平世界、传递和平理念,促进国际合作为己任,由全球第一大学社——七三国际学社倡议发起的国际组织。世界和平丝带组织完全赞同联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生的呼吁:这是一个讲科学、求团结的时刻。全世界必须团结一致,共同抗御这个另类疾病。9.IssuerReport on World People’s Fight Against Virus in 2020 was written and published by the World Peace Ribbon Organization. The World Peace Ribbon Organization is named after the “Belt and Road” International Day auspicious symbol “World Peace Ribbon”.It is an International organization initiated by the world’s largest society, International Seven Three Society, with the mission of striving for a peaceful world, transmitting the concept of peace and promoting international cooperation. The World Peace Ribbon Organization fully agrees with the appeal of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Guterres: This is a time for science and solidarity. The world must unite against this disease.
