香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生教授在首届毕业典礼上致辞 理事长,各位理事,各位同学、各位老师、各位家长,女士们、先生们: 大家早上好!今天是个大喜的日子,是将载入这所大学历史的日子。我看到在座的每一位同学都喜气洋洋,春风满面。今天不仅是你们人生中的重要时刻,也是学校首届本科生的毕业典礼。我很高兴三位诺贝尔经济学奖得主与我们一起见证我们这个重要的时刻。 同学们,你们是这所大学的第一届学生,首届学生意味着什么?意味着在这所大学的历史上,你们是永远的“黄埔一期”,永远的师兄师姊。意味着你们曾陪伴这所学校一起成长,这所大学每一幢大楼是你们看着它一点点高起来,大学的每一步路是你们帮着她一步步走过来的。是这所大学将你们推向世界,但也是你们把这所大学推向了世界。 同学们,我还清楚地记得四年前在知新楼迎接你们到来的时候,你们的父母带着你们来见我,握着我的手对我说:“校长,我把他交给你了。”我还记得你们报到的第一天,我给你们上的第一堂课,告诉你们“我们想培养怎样的人”。我讲到我们想培养一个对社会、对国家、对世界有担当的人,我们想培养有独立思辨能力和创新精神的人,我们想培养学有所长,能解决实际问题的人,我们想培养有情怀、懂感恩,能领导团队的人。今天我可以十分自豪地说,你们中的绝大多数同学都在这几个方面取得了巨大的进步,我从心底里为你们感到骄傲。 我为你们骄傲,并不因为你们在那么多场国际竞赛中名列前茅,勇夺冠军;并不因为你们收到了那么多来自包括美国哥伦比亚大学、芝加哥大学、杜克大学、耶鲁大学在内的名牌大学的录取通知书;并不因为你们得到了那么多来自世界500强企业的高薪职位。这些都不是,我感到骄傲的是你们在走出这所大学之前,就已经学会了感恩,肩上有了担当,目光看向了远方。你们之中一位来自湖南的同学和一位来自浙江的同学,在毕业前把他们创业赚取的第一桶金——壹佰万元人民币捐给学校。大学为了表彰他们,将他们的名字铭刻在了校园的长椅上。这位同学是这样说的:“我希望未来的某天,当我带着自己的孩子回到母校的时候,能够指着这一排排长椅告诉他,妈妈是一个有价值的人,是一个心存担当与感恩的人,是这所大学把我培养成了这样的人”
香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生教授在毕业典礼上现场致辞 我想在这里感谢我们的家长朋友们。你们是“黄埔一期”的家长,是有冒险精神的,是有献身精神的,是全中国乃至全世界最优秀的家长群体。我四年来走访了全国七十三所中学,我的同事们走得更多。我每到一所中学都能看到我们的家长们在那里,不是一位家长,而是所有的家长,没有一次例外。见到了你们,我心里就感到踏实,见到了你们就感到所有的艰苦努力是那么值得。四年来,我们同担风雨,互勉互励,一起走过。感谢你们所给予的信任与支持! 我还要感谢我的同事们,此刻台上台下所坐的绝大多数同事都是这四年来陆陆续续从世界各地加入我校的优秀学者,大家志同道合,艰苦创业,用四句话概括我们这群人的信念,那就是“一腔热血,百年大学,千载品牌,万世良心”。 我要感谢来自深港两地政府的支持,你们的高瞻远瞩,不仅为珠三角、粤港大湾区建立起一座一流的研究学府,更为这块土地上的世世代代的人民提供了孕育人才的摇篮。立功立德,日月永存。 我还要感谢来自香港中文大学师生、校友的大力支持,这是一所年轻的大学,但也是一所有传统的大学,这个传统来自于香港中文大学,她的学术质量、书院体系和人文情怀。今天,我们欣喜地看到,香港中文大学这颗优秀的种子已经在深圳这片创新的热土上生根、开花、结果。 同学们,明天你们就要离开这里了。我一直在想,我能送点什么给你们呢。这四年里,在你们的鼓励之下,我有了一个微信公众号,在里面写了不少散文。今天,我把它印成一本小书,作为礼物送给你们。这本书的名字叫做“先生的礼物”,源自我的一篇散文的题目,看过这篇散文的朋友会知道,讲的是我在下乡前一位老师送给我的两件宝贵的“礼物”。现在,是你们要离开了,要独自踏上人生的新征程,作为师长,我也希望将自己的一些人生经验与感悟送给你们。 在这里,我想要对你们说的是:年轻人不要选择安逸。今天的世界,物质富足,但我看到多少人在安逸与富足中苦渡人生。特别是年轻人,如果在安逸中度过人生中最宝贵的青春年华,在我看来那才是莫大的遗憾与浪费。很多同学来找我聊天,谈到职业选择,谈到未来发展,大多数人都想要选择稳定、舒适、高薪的工作。可是,安逸往往容易消磨人的志气,束缚人的精神,物质上的丰盈最终会成为你沉重的负担,使你无法追求精神的卓越。 现今的世界基本上是一个物质世界,不缺财富,不缺享乐,不缺安逸,但缺有梦的人。没有梦想,财富再多也无法使你走得更远。同学们,我希望你们,在该奋斗的年纪不要选择安逸。 同学们,你今天所取得的成绩是你过往努力奋斗的结果,如果你停止了奋斗,又该如何在这瞬息万变的大千世界站稳脚跟。凡事要靠自己,你不努力,没有任何人会陪你在原地踏步;你不坚强,没有任何人会怜悯你的懦弱。要有自信,不要小看自己,在历史前进的车轮中,我们并非微不足道的小卒子,只要怀揣梦想,把握自己命运的舵盘,我们就在参与我们这个时代的创世。只要我们有梦想,只要我们在路上,没有我们到不了的远方。 同学们,明天你们就要离开这里了,希望你们能够常回来看看。母校是你永远的精神家园,是你心灵的故乡。无论你走到哪里,无论你是贫穷还是富贵,成功还是失败,无论你碰到怎样巨大的灾难,哪怕这个世界全部都黑暗下来,请记住,在这里,在深圳的龙岗,永远有一盏灯为你亮着。 同学们,我祝福你们!
二零一八年五月二十日 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen The First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates May 20, 2018
President Yangsheng Xu's Speech at The First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates Governing Board members, honorable guests, students, teachers, parents, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. Welcome to the First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. We are very much honored to have three Noble laureates as our special guests. Today will be recorded in the history of the University. My dear students, you are the first batch of students of our university, which means that you will always be the senior brothers and sisters of students of the University. You grew up along with the development of this university, have witnessed how the buildings were built, and have given your full support to help the university move forward. The University has indeed provided you with opportunities to explore the world and to realize your dreams, but meanwhile, it is you who have made this University world-renowned. My dear students, I still remember clearly the moment when I was welcoming you in Zhi Xin Building almost four years ago. You were accompanied by your parents with their trust in me and in the newly established university. I still remember clearly in the first lesson I gave you, I shared with you what kind of people this University fosters. Yes, the University is dedicated to nurture talents who are strongly responsible to the community, to the country and to the world, who think independently with an innovational spirit, who are able to make use of professional knowledge to solve practical problems, and who know well how to lead with a grateful soul. Today, we are very pleased to see that our graduates, after four years of life and study at the University, have made impressive progress on the path of becoming such talents. My dear students, I am proud of you from deep of my heart not because of the medals you have won in those international competitions, not because of the offers you have got from reputable universities like Columbia, Chicago, Duke, and Yale, and not even because of the opportunities you have gained to work in top 500 companies and get highly paid. No, not none of these. I am truly proud of you because you have already learnt to be grateful, to be responsible, and to take the long view when making life decisions. Two elite graduates from Hunan and Zhejiang generously donated the first one million they had earned to the University to support the long-term development of the University. The University has had their names engraved on a bench on campus to commemorate their contribution. Here is what is said by a student donor, “I sincerely hope that one day when I take my child to my Alma Mater, I can tell him that his mother is a valuable person with a grateful heart and a strong sense of social responsibility, and that most importantly, it is the very University that has shaped your mother into a person like this.” Parents of our students, I want to say thank you to you. You are the first cohort of parents of our university, adventurous and dedicated to education. You are very probably the most excellent parents in China and even in the world. I have visited 73 middle schools in the past four years, and every time I visited a middle school, there were always parents waiting there to offer their strongest support to me and to our university. You make me believe that we are doing the right thing and that all arduous efforts we have made are in no doubt worthwhile.
Professor Yangsheng Xu delivers a speech at The First Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates My dear colleagues, I also want to say thank you to you. Thank you for devoting yourselves to our students, to the growth of the University, and to the reform of tertiary education. We are gathered here for the same pursuit and belief in education and in life. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Shenzhen and Hong Kong governments for your staunch support to our university. Thank you for making it possible for a world-class research university to be established and gradually become the cradle of talents for the Pearl River Delta and for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to teachers, students, and alumni of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. CUHK-Shenzhen inherits the traditions of CUHK, including its high teaching quality, the collegiate system, and the humanistic educational atmosphere. We are very much glad to see that CUHK has spread its influence such efficiently and effectively in Shenzhen. My dear students, you will be leaving this university tomorrow. I have kept thinking what the best gifts are that I can give you. I opened a WeChat public account and have been sharing my personal experiences and thoughts with you in the form of prose there. As the proses accumulate, I decided to combine them into a book and use the title of a representative prose Gifts from my teacher as the name of the book. Today, I give the book to you as the first gift. The other gift I would like to give you is a sentence: Never stay in your comfort zone in your youth. Many students came to discuss with me where to live, whether to pursue further studies, their career paths, etc., and a life that is stable, highly paid and sheltered by parents seems to be so appealing to them. My dear students, you are young, and it would be dangerous for you to stay in your comfort zone when you should work hard. Good economic conditions should never be the obstacles that restrain you from pursuing spiritual excellence. You must step out of your comfort zone bravely to activate your potential. My dear students, the success you have achieved so far is the result of your hard work. If you cease learning and working hard, how could you survive and succeed in this fast-changing world? You should learn to take good care of yourself as a mature individual as nobody would wish to accompany you if you decide not to move forward, and nobody would sympathize with you if you choose to be weak. You must see the value of yourself and be confident in yourself. As long as you try your very best to chase your dream and to pursue to be extraordinary spiritually, there will be nowhere that you cannot reach. My dear students, please come back to visit the University from time to time in the future. It will always be the harbour of your soul wherever you go and however exhausted you are. Always remember, here in CUHK-Shenzhen in Longgang there will always be a light for you. My dear students, I wish every one of you all the best. CUHK-Shenzhen
香港中文大学(深圳) (责任编辑:北风) |