- 第80节 反击
反击昨天发了博文:现代诗《长江水》,有一海外华人在我这里发了评语,因为他不是第一次在我博文上评论,觉得此人态度有一定问题,于是就进行了回击。下面就是回击的原文,为了方便大家看,我把我的回言改成绿色的字体。这是一个多样化的社会,因此我不反对有人有不同看法,并主张不同意见可以研讨,共同学习提高,也可相互保留。如果说他在我博文《重编知青精神与对错无关》留的言,还算是对我个人的一种攻击,我可以容忍,那么对一些有害于国家与民族的内容,我是决不会妥协的。现在之所以要把这些东西放到这里来爆光,不是因为我小题大作,也不是对人不宽容,而是因为这种人有一定的隐蔽性,你如果到他博客去看,可能看不出什么,因为他是不敢发表自己的真实观点的。他的身份可能多变,你也搞不清楚他登记的的身份那个是真的。但他喜欢到别人的博客兴风作浪,唯恐天下不乱。这种人不讲文明,喜欢出口伤人,这种人自知无理,总爱用古文来壮胆,这种人外强中干,喜欢拉大旗作虎皮,这种人自以为聪明,其实很笨,他们不明白基础错了,那再美的也只能是毒花,他们不明白在任何时候与祖国和人民为敌是不会有好下场的!为了看清这种人的真面目,只有看他在别人博客留下的评语。这种人怕见太阳,就让他们见见太阳。真理不怕见阳光,只有在阳光下,羞恶的东西才会被杀死!争论是因为他的退出,现在看来是告一段落了,但是不是真的结束了,也难说,我会随时准备,给予必要的回应。也会将最新消息及时传给大家,因为我不怕见阳光!我想:留在博客的评语是给大家看的,我没做任何修改,公布全部的评语与我的回言,这对大家是公平的,是非对错让大家来评论。北风附此人在我博文《长江水》中评语及我的回言:05-28 15:25人人都知道黄河是条发瘟河?经常改道害人,难道这就可以象征了民族?回复| 删除without being able to see where its waters began. Then he began to turn his face round, looked across the expanse, (as if he were) confronting Ruo, and said with a sigh, 'What the vulgar saying expresses about him who has learned a hundred points (of the Dao), and thinks that there is no on
e equal to himself, was surely spoken of me. And moreover, I have heard parties making little of the knowledge of Zhongni and the righteousness of Bo-yi, and at first I did not believe them. Now I behold the all-but-boundless extent (of your realms). If I had not come to your gate, I should have been in danger (of continuing in my ignorance), and been laughed at for long in the schools of our great System.' 回复| 删除The time of the autumnal floods was come, and the hundred streams were all discharging themselves into the He. Its current was greatly swollen, so that across its channel from bank to bank one could not distinguish an ox from a horse. On this the (Spirit-) earl of the He laughed with delight, thinking that all the beauty of the world was to be found in his charge. Along the course of the river he walked east till he came to the North Sea, over which he looked, with his face to the east, 回复| 删除回复| 删除附:此人还在我【重编《知青精神与对错无关》】的博文中评论及我回言,我对他很客气的。05-26 13:45联合国的人木又宣言 (权)在这样写的吗?
你活在 1966年,人家可怜你!你活在2011年,人家鄙视你 !!!回复| 删除啊,朋友!